For the last couple of years, I've tried to do a series of movie reviews - one a night - featuring my insights into the horror genre, starting on October 1st through the 31st. This year, to continue that tradition, I've decided to set up my own blog.
Now this isn't the only thing I'll be using this for - more features and columns will be added as I have time to learn the formatting and develop my ideas, but I wanted to start by setting out a basic guideline.
There are a lot of nerd blogs and nerd sites where the focus becomes largely on the things we perceive as negative in our hobbies. Here I'm writing from a place of love - love for my fellow nerds as people who, even if we disagree, love the things that they love passionately, and love for the culture that we are experiencing through the media and stories we write and discuss on this blog. Sometimes criticism is important when talking about the things you love, in order to help them grow and become better, but the important rule is that this blog is focused on the positive and the constructive.
As you comment here, please be mindful of that goal going forward.